EveryDay Strong
What is EveryDay Strong?
There’s one main thing that a kid needs to thrive: the presence of just one caring adult in their life.
EveryDay Strong is here to show you how you can be that caring adult, whether you are the parent, neighbor, teacher, or friend.
Anxiety and depression are growing among our teenagers, but your simple actions today can change a kid’s life.
Read our handbook, watch our videos, listen to our podcast, and start your journey today
As a parent, grandparent, teacher, friend, or neighbor, you can start building everyday resilience by building safety, connection and confidence in the children around you.
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It is easy to believe that most children are safe. But even if a child may be safe, he may not feel safe. He may be afraid of getting in trouble or letting a loved one down.
A child who feels safe knows that she can tell the adults in her life the truth about herself, and she will always be loved, no matter what.

Connection is more than just being in the same space as your child. Connection is doing activities that the child enjoys, even if you don’t always enjoy that activity.
Connection is when a child feels their parent, teacher or friend really understands her.

After a child begins to feel safe and connected with those around them, he can start working on becoming confident in his abilities and develop pride in his work.
Keep in mind: it’s more important to praise a child for the accomplishments she cares about, not just the ones that look impressive from the outside.
Get help for your child’s emotional health

Why won’t my child talk to me?

Are phones affecting my teen?

Why won’t my child go to school?

Is my young adult ever going to move out?
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