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United Way of The Black Hills

Impact in the Northern Hills


in the Northern Hills

Your Generosity in Action

The C.O.R.E.-Freshman Impact program recently made a profound difference in the lives of local high school students, offering them an unforgettable experience that emphasized the importance of personal choices and their ripple effects on the community and their loved ones.

Following the program, countless students approached the team to express their gratitude. Many shared how the sessions opened their eyes to the power of their decisions and inspired them to make positive changes.

One particularly moving moment came when a young woman approached the keynote speaker and shared, “I had given up on myself. Now I know I can make it.”

Hearing these words was a powerful reminder of why this program exists. It’s not just about educating — it’s about empowering students to see their potential, believe in themselves, and recognize the support that surrounds them.

Thanks to generous donors like you, United Way of the Black Hills is able to make stories like this possible!

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