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United Way of The Black Hills

Month of Caring Project Registration

Project Ideas

Outdoor Maintenance and Preservation:

  • Lawn and garden work
  • Paint picnic tables/park benches/decks/patios
  • Clean a camp or play area for children
  • Paint fences
  • Plan a yard clean-up: weeding, planting, raking, pruning shrubs

Restoration/repair Work:

  • Paint the inside or outside of a building
  • Wash windows and walls
  • Assemble play gym for children
  • Sort and repair organization toys and equipment
  • Maintain local trails…bike path, M-hill


  • Work at a local nonprofit
  • Organize storage closets
  • Prepare emergency medical kits for clients
  • Help out at a food pantry

Projects to be Avoided:

  • Projects that need technical designs or skills
  • Projects that may be unsafe for the volunteers
  • Projects that require complex or time-consuming preparatory work such as obtaining multiple permits, building concrete foundations, scraping old paint, clearing a field, etc.
  • Projects that will not provide a sense of accomplishment for the volunteers
  • Projects that cost more to make than it would to purchase
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